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To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed; to place scholarship before social obligations and character before appearances; to be in the best sense, democratic rather than “exclusive”, and lovable rather than “popular”; to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely, to choose thoughtfully that course which occasion and conscience demand; to be womanly always; to be discouraged never; in a word, to be loyal under any and all circumstances to my Fraternity and her highest teachings and to have her welfare ever at heart that she may be a symphony of high purpose and helpfulness in which there is no discordant note. - Ethel Switzer Howard, Xi Chapter, 1904

Chi Omega's Crest was adopted in 1902. Centered on the crest is the white carnation, with the Chi to the left and the Omega to the right of the flower. Above these symbols are both the skull and crossbones and the owl. Beneath the carnation are the five letters, Rho, Beta, Upsilon, Eta, and Sigma. A laurel wreath, used by ancient Greeks to honor scholars and heroes, surrounds all of the emblems known and loved by Chi Omegas.
Our Colors: Cardinal and Straw
Our Flower: White Carnation
Our Symbols: The Owl and the Skull with crossbones

Determined to have the same sense of belonging and status the fraternity men enjoyed, one small band of young women established the secrets, symbolism, and rites that today bind together over 362,000 women from over 180 campuses and in more than 243 alumnae chapters.
Founding Date: April 5, 1895, at The University of Arkansas
First Chapter Name: Psi Chapter
Founding Members: 5 founders - 14 original members

Not only was Chi Omega the first women's fraternal organization to charter at UNC-Chapel Hill, but it is also the largest women's fraternal organization in the country! This means when you become a Chi Omega you are joining over 362,000 other women who have the shared experience of participating in and adhering to the traditions and teachings of the Chi Omega sisterhood.
This organization insists that its members adhere to high standards of academic, moral, and character excellence. We stress the importance of participation in activities outside of the sorority in order to ensure our members are well-rounded people who engage with others to develop outside interests in order to be exposed to different points of view. By contributing to the larger world we demonstrate the Chi Omega makes a difference in the lives of women.

If you're ever in Chapel Hill, look out for our big yellow house! We'd love to show you around and introduce ourselves :)

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