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Our members are definitely keeping themselves busy
See what they are UP TO...


Izzy Kempson

Washington, D.C.

Meet Izzy Kempson, a senior from Raleigh, NC.  Last summer, Izzy spent her time as an intern on the Hill in Washington, D.C., working with the Office of the House Majority Whip. She loved working in a leadership office and being in the Capitol every day, getting to see how the House of Representatives works first hand.

Senior Ali Warren worked as a marketing intern for La Comet, a sustainable clothing company based in Barcelona. As an intern over the summer, she tracked data on their marketing campaigns, built public relations connections with other sustainable brands, and helped run the e-commerce side of the business. On her weekends, she traveled around Europe with junior Jenny Barger, who lived together in Spain. They explored Switzerland, Italy, and made a trip to visit junior Ellie McCann during her study program in Croatia.

Barcelona, Spain

Ali Warren


Lindsey Poole

New York, NY

Meet Lindsey Poole, a junior from Charlotte, NC who is studying Advertising and Public Relations. Last summer, Lindsey lived in NYC and had an internship with a small public relations firm. Lindsey helped the team develop client materials with causes that aimed to foster social justice. Lindsey also worked part-time at Pure Barre as a sales associate! She loved learning the ropes of the subway, exploring Manhattan, taking barre classes, and eating amazing food in the city!

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Maui, HI

Riley Watkins

Meet Riley Watkins, a junior from Raleigh, NC who was our president! When asked why she chose Chi Omega, Riley responded: “I chose XO because I wanted to make friends who would support me unconditionally and also push me to become a better person and community member! I also have a special place in my heart for the Make A Wish foundation and wanted to give back to a community that has given so much to me.” Riley was granted her wish from Make A Wish last summer and traveled to Maui, Hawaii! We loved hearing about all the sun, sights, and yummy eats from our foodie Pres!

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Emily Wallace

Charlotte, NC

Meet Emily Wallace, a senior from Charlotte, NC, who is majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Urban Studies and Planning. Aside from her membership at Chi O, Emily is involved in a wide range of UNC extracurriculars. She was the VP of Recruitment and Logistics for Carolina Women in Business (CWIB), a volunteer cooking instructor at Arc of the Triangle, Inc., and a volunteer at Go Meals. In her free time, you can find Emily exploring Chapel Hill with her friends, trying new restaurants, and traveling (her goal is to travel to all 50 states!). 

London, England

London School of Economics

Many of our sisters are enjoying studying abroad this summer, but there is a particularly large concentration of Chi Os studying at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). LSE is a top ranked university that provides fall, spring, and summer term classes. We know that our girls – including sophomores Cana Roach and Taylor Nock and freshmen Amelia Fisher and Liza Wolcott – will have a blast furthering their studies, traveling, and soaking up their time abroad. We can't wait to hear about all of their adventures and discoveries both in and out of the classroom. 

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